How To Install Cydia After iOS 8.1 - 8 Untethered Jailbreak |
How To Install Cydia After iOS 8 – 8.1 Jailbreak
Step 1: Make a backup of your device on iTunes, if you haven't already.
Step 2: Download the latest Cydia .deb file from here. You are also going to be download the cydia-Iproj file from here.
Step 3: Once the .deb files are on your computer, you’ll need to SSH on to your device then SFTP the file onto your device. For you to achieve an SSH connection, Mac users can donwload Cyberduck. If you running Windows I advise you to use WinSCP.
Step 4: On your device, navigate to Settings > Wi-Fi, find the wifi network that both your device and PC or Mac are connected to. Next to the network name, hit the "i" and write down the IP address.
Step 6: Once you are connected toi your device via SSH, drop the .deb files in the root folder of your device.
Step 7: Next, you'll need to start an SSH command line session, if you're on Windows, hit Ctrl + T and on Mac, hit ⌘ + T.
Step 8: Finally, you’ll need to run the command:
dpkg -i cydia-lproj_1.1.12_iphoneos-arm.deb dpkg -i cydia_1.1.13_iphoneos-arm.deb
Step 9: Type Reboot and your device will reboot.
Step 10: When your device is fired up, open the pangu app, navigate to Manage > Remove, and now you'll need to delete the pangu file. Tap remove when it gets stuck back out the app, then open it again, and tap force remove.
Step 11: Respring your device. You should now have Cydia!
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